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A schoolteacher by profession, pergaud louis pergaud was a french writer and soldier, whose principal works were known as animal stories due to his. It has been reprinted more than 30 times, and is included on the french high school curriculum. With jacques dufilho, yvette etievant, michel galabru, michele meritz. Une guerre sans merci, qui dure depuis des generations. Their trophy are the buttons they will snatch from the enemy. Set in occupied wwii france, war of the buttons tells the tale of preteen rebel lebrac newcomer jean texier and the war he leads between two rival kid gangs from neighboring villages.

With laetitia casta, guillaume canet, jean texier, ilona bachelier. Deux villages, longeverne et velrans, sont en guerre. War of the buttons 2011 christophe barratier film wikipedia. Une guerre particulierement mouvementee lannee ou les troupes rivales sont commandees, pour longeverne, par le grand lebrac et pour velrans par laztec des gues. The young people from the neighbouring villages of longeverne and velrans have been waging this merciless war as long as anyone can remember. The school boys of two villages in france are fighting. Two rival packs of boys wage war in the countryside. It describes the war between two gangs from rival villages. The story takes place in march 1944 in a small french village. Pour toute exploitation sur tv, web, mobile, aller sur. This fight will bring those kids to everlasting friendship. It describes the war between two gangs from rival villages, longeverne and velrans, in the countryside of franchecomte.

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